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school address: 1105 Montlieu Avenue, High Point, NC 27262
school phone: 336-819-2910
Ms. Candy Bush, site coordinator:
Mrs. Oneeka Lockhart, principal

4-13-23 kinder_MA

4-4-23 Believe to Achieve_MA

10-25-23 Montlieu students

4-13-23 kinder_MA
Montlieu Academy of Technology
Believe to Achieve is a wonderful opportunity for parents to learn more about their student's activities.
Current Needs:
incentives - to be distributed to promote student attendance, good behavior and improved academics
teacher and staff appreciation - teachers work so hard all day long. It's nice to reward them with coffee and doughnuts, a warm lunch in the winter, gift cards for birthdays and special occasions.
speakers - to talk to Girls With Pearls, Guys With Ties or grade levels around careers and community service
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